Participating in the process of settling disputes, civil, commercial, administrative, marriage, family, labor cases,… in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the involved parties and support the Court judgment in dispute resolution.


Reception – Receiving client’s information;

– Exchanging on preliminary information about the case;

– Preliminarily examining and evaluating the documents and evidence provided by the client.

– Classification of cases (civil, land, labor, administration…).

– Orientation of litigation plans.

03 – 05 business days

(depending on the complication of the case)

Quotation – Planning a detailed quotation for a service package (full-package fee, promised rewards, discounts…);

– Planning the work that will be done.

Quotation 01 business day
Service Approval Drafting contract terms, rights and obligations of the parties, bingding terms, service fees and payment plans. – Signature of service contracts

– 1st payment

01 business day
Preparation of dossiers for the litigation – Assisting clients in preparing and collecting documents and evidence related to the case.

– Representing the Client in extracting and copying the necessary documents.

– Making the bailiffs of  important evidence (if any).

– Making a detailed plan for resolving the case at the Court.

– Drafting lawsuit petitions (of the plaintiffs), affidavits/written opinions (defendants, related people).

– Assisting clients in performing authorization procedures for representatives and requesting lawyers.

– Lawsuit petition/ Affidavits/Written presentation of opinions.

– Attached documents to be submitted to the Court.

– Plan for resolving the case in Court.

05 – 07 business days (depending on the complication of the case)
Participation in the mediation stage in Court – Representing the clients in presenting their opinions, points of view and requests at the Court based on the optimal plan for clients.

– In the case of mediation at Court: representing the clients in presenting their opinions and promoting the mediation.

– In the case of a required  trial in Court: representing the clients in presenting their defensive opinions, arguments and providing evidence in their favor.

– Representing the clients in contacting the agencies, organizations or asking the Court to collect necessary documents and evidence.

– Recommending the counter-claim plans, independent requests, application of interim emergency measures, property valuation, apprasial,… when necessary.

Decision on recognition of conciliation (if conciliation is successful) 06 – 08 months (depending on the complication of the case)
Participation in the stage of publicity of evidence; trial preparation stage


– Representing the clients in providing documents and evidence related to the case.

– Representing the clients in copying and extracting the evidence provided by the other party.

– Representing the clients in participating in the confrontation (if it is an organization) or assisting the clients in the confrontation (if it is an individual).

Decision to bring the case to Court for trial 01 – 02 months (depending on the complication of the case)
Participation in the trial – Representing the clients in participating in the first-instance trial as an authorized representative and a Protection

– Representing the clients in presenting arguments and questions, and debating based on the information in dossiers and plans that have been agreed on.

First-instance judgments 14 – 30 days (depending on the complication of the case)
After the first-instance trial – Completing the service contracts on the first-instance

– Payment and liquidation of contracts.

Minutes of contract liquidation 03 working days
Appellate trial stage In the event that the case goes to the appellate stage, KNALaw will represent the client in drafting the appeal and participating in the proceeding similar to the first-instance stage mentioned above. Appellate judgments, decisions on successful reconciliation (if any) 04 – 06 months (depending on the complication of the case)
Cassation, reopening trial (if any) – At the client’s request or if necessary, KNALaw will provide legal advice and propose a plan to request cassation/retrial.

– Assist the client in drafting the application for cassation and send it to the competent authorities.

Stage of Judgment Enforcement – Representing the clients in working, presenting opinions, proposing and requesting judgment enforcement agencies to enforce effective judgments in order to ensure maximum benefits for clients.

– Drafting motions, requests, urgings, complaints, applying measures to prevent, secure and coerce … when necessary.

Enforce the effective judgments 01 – 02 years (depending on the complication of the case)

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